Photoshelter survey names Peter Hurley as one of the most inspirational photographers!

Photoshelter survey names Peter Hurley as one of the most inspirational photographers!

My buddy, Joe McNally, took the well deserved top spot on this list, but to have photographers in a survey throw my name around is pretty darn cool! I was so excited to be part of this list and am glad that my spiel is resonating with some PEOPLE out there!

Thanks for those that voted and I hope to see many of you over the course of the next year at one of the many events I’ll be attending. WPPI, Photoshop World, Fstoppers Workshop in the Bahamas are going to be a total blast and I’m looking forward to getting over Europe this summer as well.

This fires me up, so let’s turn 2014 into a total SHABANG!

Thanks again to everyone that voted!